Ayiti Game

Monday, May 2, 2011

1) How is Ayiti different from 3rd World Farmer? How is it the same?

Answer: Ayiti is different from 3rd world farmer because, in Ayiti you can actually see if your family is unhappy or happy and all that. But in 3rd farmer you can't see if your family is happy or unhappy, they just die.

2) What strategies did you use? For example, did you combine work and school, or did you send everyone to work? Which worked? Which did not?

Answer: For the children i sent them to school. For the Parents i sent them to work. For more money.

3) Why would parents choose to devote so much effort to sending their children to school? What obstacles did you face in trying to keep them in school?

Answer: The effort the parents chose to devote their children to school because, when the children were done with school they were able to get good jobs. Some obstacles i faced when trying to keep them in school, is like their emotions.

** BONUS **

4. What would the game “Lower East Side: The Cost of Life” look like? What choices would your family have to make to be happy, healthy, have money, and be well-educated. What obstacles would stand in your way?

Answer: The game "Lower East side: The Cost of Life" what probably look like, how it looks now, blood gangs, grafeedy(spelled wrong) people speeding on the highways, people getting arrested, police, etc. The choices my family would have to make to be happy, healthy, have money, and be well-educated is to keep focused in school, to get a good job. People. People are the obstacles.


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