Hello texting. Good bye Phone calls!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Therapist: When was the last time you made or talked to some body on the phone?

Patient: Umm.. Like when my mom made me talk to my aunt to say Happy Birthday. Why?!

Therapist: I don't know it was just a question. Well any way why don't you talk on the phone any more?

Patient: I do.

Therapist: Do you?

Patient: Yes. Didn't I just tell you that? Gosh! Why are we talking about this any way?(patient is texting on the phone)

Therapist: I told you. Im just asking. And theres no need to GOSH! me. Its just some thing for us to talk about while you are here. And put that phone away please.

Patient: Um, okay... well i answered your question. So.....

Therapist: Well HOW do you use your phone.

Patient: OH MY GOSH! Im outta' here!(Patient walks out texting on her phone.)

Therapist: Okay well bye bye now. And if you want to come back here, just give me a call okay?

Patient: Um nahh i think i'll just text you, so whats your number?


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