
Tuesday, November 22, 2011


1. Where does the N-Word Come from? Why does it offend some people so much?

Answer: The N word comes from slaves. Black slaves that were being abused by their "owners" If offends some people, because they think of how the word N**** is being used. The meaning or definition of the word.

2. Should non-black people be able to use the N-Word?

Answer: No and yes. It depends how the person uses the word in a phrase.

3. Should musicians stop using the N-Word?

Answer: I mean the way some musicians say it can be offensive. So maybe they should.

4. Do other ethnic groups (for example, Chinese, Jews, and Dominicans) use ethnic slurs like the N-Word to describe themselves? If not, Why?

Answer: No. They usually say it to mean like a brother. Like i said it depends on how the phrase comes out and how the person they saying it to takes the word.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

I under stand that it's for our well being that we get body scanned, but some people just don't feel comfortable with a bunch of strangers feeling and seeing their body parts. I mean I wouldn't like it at all. Since I don't like being touched in my body parts by complete strangers; I would just rather go through the body scanners. I wouldn't want to be blown up in the air and die all because i refused to get scanned. So i guess the only good thing about being scanned is you know that you're safe to go on the air plane ride.