Engineering Ground zero

Thursday, October 20, 2011


1. What are some things you learned about the materials (e.g., glass, concrete, steel) used for re-building ground zero.

ANSWER: I learned that the steel from the last 2 twin towers wasn't that strong when the planes hit. but NO steel in the history of steels can never tip over and fall. They test the material before they really start creating the tower.

2. What were some of the challenges that the builders faced when creating the new WTC building and memorial fountains?

ANSWER: Having to make the heavy glass. Some glass they made wasn't stable enough to put on the building. They had to test the glass by using a heavy metal hammer to see how bad the glass would break.

3. What does the design of the WTC symbolize? What does the design of the memorial fountains symbolize?

ANSWER: They both symbolize, the people who died. A memorial for the people who lost their lives. Also for the twin tower that broke down in flames. A memorial for things and people that was taken away for this earth. WORLD TRAIT CENTER"- R.I.P.

4. How will this video affect your memorial design?

ANSWER: To add for effects to the memorial design. Inspire us to make a better design maybe.