Posted by bpena188Friday, September 9, 2011
at 11:15 AM 1 comments1. Describe what your favorite design looked like?
Answer: my favorite design looked like the twin towers that were obviously made out of glass and then something that looks like a globe that's I guess looks like its surrounding the twin towers.
2. How were the designs different, how were they the same?
Answer: They were different because, the way they made the twin towers were out of glass. They're the same because, the way that the designs looked, they looked exactly the same with the actual twin towers.
3. If you could create a memorial for 9/11 what would it look like?
Answer: I would design the 2 twin towers.. and make 9-11 R.I.P in big letters and label where the smoke hit and where the air planes hit on the twin towers
Thursday, September 8, 2011
at 11:18 AM 0 commentsDear fans of my blog,
First off, I want to tell you what a good summer I had. Not only did I attend a summer camp, but I also hanged out with my familly. One thing that I didn’t do (but wish I had) was go to P.A. It feels so proud to be at school because I passed into the next grade.
Anyhow, I just watched a Men in Black video clip and it was really funny. I couldn’t believe that Will Smith broke his pencil. Looking at Mr. Lahana’s “MOST IMPORTANT THINGS” list it’s pretty clear this video was talking about #1. This is because Will smith needed a way to write on his paper, so he had to bring a table to where he was sitting in order to write on his paper.
On #4 of Mr. Lahana’s “MOST IMPORTANT THINGS” list he talks about finding what you love. Besides texting, Facebooking, and drooling over my favorite star Lil wayne , I’m into some serious stuff. Stuff that not everyone’s into– like listening to music all the time, even when i sleep some times. It’s true! I could spend hours listening to music and time just vanishes. If you gave me access to a computer with a camera, Garageband, Scratch, Photoshop or 3D design software I would make a song that showed off my talent at people. But you know, I’m not perfect at my talent yet. By the end of the year I hope I can make some good music. Well, that’s all I have time to write for now– bye!