would you rather......
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, March 24, 2010
at 9:29 AM 0 commentsQuestions from techbrarian
Posted by bpena188at 8:48 AM 0 comments
1. How do factory farms treat animals differently than family farms?
Answer: By the factoryfarms taking the animals and putting them with other sick animals and give them a medicine that is not suppsot to be using every day.
2. Why are animals fed antibiotics in factory farms and why is this dangerous?
Answer: Animals are fed antibotics because some animals are very sick and have a bacteria or germ in their system. But how ever it is dangerous because you are not suppost to take antibotics everyday its very bad for your system. You may end up dieing from that.
3. What happens to animal excrement (poop) in factory farms?
Answer: in the coumunity it goes into the water, and polutes the air and water.
The test thats coming up.
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, March 17, 2010
at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Some people don't really care about the test. Well I for one, do. People may think that I'm lame for caring, but I want to have a good life and good money, so I'll do what ever it takes to make my life a good life. So if I want a good life i'm going to take that test and study very hard. Now i'm not pressing any body to do anything but i'm telling you people to do what you think is right. STUDY FOR THE TEST!!!!!!!! PLEASE..... ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!!!!!!!
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, March 10, 2010
at 9:03 AM 0 comments
You know when do you feel alone? Maybe sometimes you think that you might be better off alone. For me I could be hanging out with the coolest people one day but next I might feel that I'm better off alone. When I'm by my self, I don't feel guilty for that I'm by my self. Do you? Right me a comment on my blog and tell me what you think, and feel when your alone.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by bpena188Tuesday, March 9, 2010
at 6:39 AM 0 comments
1. What were the most interesting parts in this documentary?
A: All the 7th graders taking there time to explain about what will happen and all the people and pictures on all the pierces.
2. Name at least three reasons why people get pierces.
A: one reason would be that people like to do it because there friends do it. Another reason would be that a lot of people like to be punk rock so thats why they get pierces. My last reason is that people like to do it for no reason.
3. Do different pierces say different things about people? For example, does having your ears pierced say something different then having an eyebrow ring?
A: Well what pierces say about people is that whether they have on their eye brow their stomach or even there nose it all means the same thing. It means that the people have pierces for there reason maybe to be punk rock, or maybe to do it because they like the way it looks, or maybe even people want to copy other people to look cool where the reality is that it really doesn't.
4. Is there such a thing as too many pierces?
A: to me yes to other people no because i've seen people who have A LOT of pierces.