Posted by bpena188Wednesday, December 22, 2010
at 11:28 AM 0 commentsI can't help but smile when you talk to me.
I play with you, i some times talk to you, but every time,
I SMILE! You are like my everything.
When i'm with you, i feel like i'm in another world.
I know you used to feel the same, but i guess your feelings changed.
I just want you to know, i will never stop loving you. I like you for you and nothing and no one can change this feeling. (:
at 11:23 AM 0 comments
When times are rough, don't stay shut.
When times are rough, just be your self.
When times are rough, Make your self shine.
When times are rough, just know that your not alone.(:
Just Let Go Of The Past!!
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, November 17, 2010
at 11:09 AM 0 commentsWhat Is loV3?!
Posted by bpena188Friday, November 12, 2010
at 8:47 AM 1 commentsMade in L.A part 3
Posted by bpena188Thursday, November 4, 2010
at 9:45 AM 0 comments2. Describe a moment in from parts 1, 2, or 3 of this movie that you found particularly memorable? Why?
Ans: People are working for the sweat shops, and only are getting paid $1.25 for working almost 15 hours. With their kids!!!!
3. By the end of part 3, the protestors seem to be giving up hope. If you were able to speak to the group, what would you say to them to inspire them to keep going?
Ans: I would say to keep trying. Never give up. You never know, maybe one day you'll have the best day in life. Remember that the day you die EVERY BODY that knew you, will remember you as the good human being that you are. When people quit and find out sooner or later, those people who didn't give up, will end up with some thing that they always hoped for!:)
How does life plan out when you are really confused<
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, November 3, 2010
at 11:12 AM 0 commentsIt's what ever
Posted by bpena188Friday, October 29, 2010
at 9:07 AM 0 commentsThis is based on my real life. Its really true about some one. They should know who they are.
Part 2 made in l.a
Posted by bpena188Thursday, October 21, 2010
at 9:42 AM 0 comments1. Who does Forever 21 blame for the sweatshops? Why?
Answer: Forever 21 blames contractors. They blame them because the contractors are the ones who give the workers their money but make are the ones making all the arrangments. Such as the price, and the type of clothing(that the costumers do't know about).
2. What’s wrong with Forever 21′s argument?
Answer: The costumers are complaining how they have to pay a large amount for their clothing. But the workers aren't getting paid the right way.
3. Why do the workers continue to protest even if it means they might lose their jobs?
Answer: Because know job is worth all the hard work if they aren't going to get paid their part, that they earn!!!!!
Behind the swoosh L.A.
Posted by bpena188Monday, October 18, 2010
at 6:27 AM 0 comments1. How is the life of sweatshop workers in L.A. the same as those in Indonesia? How is it different?
Answer: The life of sweatshop workers in L.A. the same as those in Indonesia is All the workers at the sweatshop don't get paid as much, and the struggle threw life. The life of the sweatshop workers in L.A. is different as those in Indonesia is, workers in L.A. live in a good home and the workers in Indonesia don't live in good homes.
2. Why is it that poor immigrants (newcomers) end up working at sweatshops? Why don’t they work as lawyers or doctors or at Mcdonalds?
Answer: New comers (immigrants) end up working at sweatshops and not as lawyers or doctors or at Mcdonalds because most workers didn't have a good education or because the new comers don't know how most sweatshops work they think that the owners are going to pay them enough money.
3. Predict what’s going to happen by the end of this movie
Answer: What I predict whats going to happen by the end of this movie is some how the workers are going to end up in a better place. Maybe heaven or maybe in a better home. A better job. A better life !!
Behind the swooshh part 3
Posted by bpena188Thursday, October 7, 2010
at 9:37 AM 0 commentsBEHINDD THEE SWOOSH!!!
Posted by bpena188Monday, October 4, 2010
at 6:45 AM 0 commentsNow that i've seen the movie BEHIND THE SWOOSH i'm goingg to NSWER THESE FOLLOWING QUESTIONA BASED ON THE MOVIE.
1. What does it mean to “make a decent living”? What should you be able to afford to buy?
ans: Get a college degree, get a job' a house' be a millionair. A GOOD HOUSE is whatt you shouldd be able to buy.
2. Where do your sneakers come from? Who makes them?
ANS: Tangerang,Indonsia. thats where the sneakers come from.
3. What is a sweatshop (take a guess, even if you have no idea)?
Posted by bpena188at 6:25 AM 0 comments
1. What does it mean to “make a decent living”? What should you be able to afford to buy?
Ans: What it means to make a decent living is to likke nott too any thing thatss bad in life. Its like when a person dies and the people of that persons negihbrohood remebers them in a GOOD way because of all the things that the person did for the people. Thats whatt i call a decent living. FOOD STAMPS ETC. to use to buy things.
2. Where do your sneakers come from? Who makes them?
Ans: I HAVE NO IDEA but i think they were made in the Bronx because thats where i got my sneakers from. I DONT KNOW WHOO MADE MY SNEAKERSS !
3. What is a sweatshop (take a guess, even if you have no idea)?
Ans: wHERE Maybe people dont have good homes or some thing.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
at 9:50 AM 0 comments2 Truths and 1 lie
Posted by bpena188Monday, September 13, 2010
at 6:38 AM 1 comments
As I was sitting down on the bench, in the park I saw a little kid climb on top of the munky bars. Mean while another little kid was going on the munky bars and the as the little kid was going up on the munky bars he pushed the kid that was already on the monky and the kid fell and broke his ankle.

Posted by bpena188Tuesday, May 25, 2010
at 6:41 AM 1 commentsAlexandra had everything a(n) cheetah could ask for. He had Ugly food, a big, Prettybed, and the Pena family to look after him.
One morning Alexandra woke up. “I'm hungry!” he said. He went down to the Living room but everyone in the Pena family was still asleep. “I guess I'll have to find my own breakfast,” he said.
Alexandra went outside and ran down the street. On the sidewalk, he saw a(n) big his. “Gulp!” Down went the his. “Not bad!” said Alexandra.
Next, Alexandra headed for the park. There he found a pair of cats just sitting on a bench. “Gulp! Gulp.” Down went the cats. “Mmmm, small!” said Alexandra.
Alexandra was feeling very fat as he skipped over to a video store. There he saw some tasty video games. “Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!” Alexandra swallowed xbox360 and wii whole.
“OMG!! It must be time to go home,” said Alexandra. He Then back home and up the stairs to his Pretty bed.
“Breakfast! Time for breakfast, Alexandra!” called Mrs. Pena.
“I don't feel very well,” groaned Alexandra. “It must have been those Spagetties I ate for supper last night.” Burp
10 Healthy Foods
Posted by bpena188Monday, May 24, 2010
at 7:24 AM 0 commentsMy MAD LIBS STORY
Posted by bpena188at 7:19 AM 0 comments
The Beach
Hooray! Summer is finally here, and that means we can go to the beach! Today, my family is going to New York City Beach, and I can bring a friend with me. I decide to invite my best friend Jazmin. I know Jazmin will want to go with us. She thinks going to the beach is Ugly!
We start our beach day by watching the sunrise, and then eating breakfast at UncleWilliam's Pancake Hut. I always get Sand Wich flavored pancakes.
After breakfast we Then the waves, go running for seashells, and Now a sandcastle. Then we eat the lunch we packed for the beach. It's my favorite—Carrot sandwiches. The only time Carrot sandwiches are not so Dark is when you drop them in the sand.
By West, everyone's had enough of the beach. But New York City Beach is fun at night, too! There is a really Light boardwalk. It's always crowded with people. Would you believe we saw my teacher mr.lahana there, eating a huge banana split?
There are a lot of cool shops on the boardwalk. You can get a little hermit Cheetah, but make sure your mom and dad say it's okay! My favorite store is the jewelry store. Jazminand I each buy a rope bracelet that will Today when it gets wet. Pretty Cute!
By 8:00, we're all ready to head home. I usually fall asleep on the ride home. I can't wait to go to New York City Beach again
Posted by bpena188Tuesday, May 4, 2010
at 6:39 AM 0 comments1) How many calories did your McDonald’s meals add up to? How much fat?
Answer: The calories my McDonald's meals was, 1,640.. when I could have 1,850 calories. The fat my McDonald's meals add up to was 64, when I can have 70 calories.
2) Look at the chart below. Did your McDonald’s meal add up to more calories and fat than is recommended for your age? If so, how much more?
Answer: No. I went a little bit below then the fat and calories that I can have at my age.
3) Did the results surprise you? Why or why not? Answer: Not really. All the meals that I put on the chart that I liked and I didn't over my weight.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
at 8:59 AM 0 comments1. Do you think consumers (people who buy things) have the right to sue McDonalds for selling unhealthy food? Why or why not?
Answer: Yes. I think this because people who eat at McDonalds are eating greasy food that makes the indivisual gain alot of weight.... which is very unhealthy.
2. McDonalds is the largest owner of private playgrounds in the world. What other ways does McDonalds use to market their food to children?
Answer: They make the children a good happy meal that includes a toy... which children find those toys attractive.
3. How many calories do you think a healthy kid should eat in a day (clickhere for a clue)? According to the movie, how many calories are in a Super Size fries? How about a Double Gulp soda?
Answer: The calories I think a healthy kid should eat in a day.... well it depends on if the kid is a certain age but i would say... at least 240-250 or some thing like that. In a super size i would say about 160 calories. I don't know about a Double Gulp soda.... But if I was to guess i would say 230 calories.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
at 9:23 AM 0 comments1. How many times a week do you eat at McDonalds or other fast food restaurants? Do you ever think about whether what you are eating is healthy? Why or why not?
Answer: No. I never eat fast food. I think its to greacy.
2. What do you predict will happen to Morgan’s health at the end of the month? Do you think he will remain in perfect health?
Answer: I perdict that if she continue with good eating habbits then she will have a good healthy body.
3. In one scene there is a shot of a McDonalds inside of a hospital. What do you think about that? Do you find it normal, funny, strange, or sad?
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, April 14, 2010
at 9:27 AM 0 commentsMy sis/cuz
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, April 7, 2010
at 9:23 AM 0 commentsMy bestiee..........
Posted by bpena188at 9:18 AM 0 comments
The metrax 2
Posted by bpena188at 9:00 AM 0 comments
3. What is the milk replacer fed to calves (baby cows) made out of? Why is this bad (besides just being gross)?
4. Can you do anything to make a difference as a consumer (someone who buys things)?
would you rather......
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, March 24, 2010
at 9:29 AM 0 commentsQuestions from techbrarian
Posted by bpena188at 8:48 AM 0 comments
1. How do factory farms treat animals differently than family farms?
Answer: By the factoryfarms taking the animals and putting them with other sick animals and give them a medicine that is not suppsot to be using every day.
2. Why are animals fed antibiotics in factory farms and why is this dangerous?
Answer: Animals are fed antibotics because some animals are very sick and have a bacteria or germ in their system. But how ever it is dangerous because you are not suppost to take antibotics everyday its very bad for your system. You may end up dieing from that.
3. What happens to animal excrement (poop) in factory farms?
Answer: in the coumunity it goes into the water, and polutes the air and water.
The test thats coming up.
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, March 17, 2010
at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Some people don't really care about the test. Well I for one, do. People may think that I'm lame for caring, but I want to have a good life and good money, so I'll do what ever it takes to make my life a good life. So if I want a good life i'm going to take that test and study very hard. Now i'm not pressing any body to do anything but i'm telling you people to do what you think is right. STUDY FOR THE TEST!!!!!!!! PLEASE..... ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!!!!!!!
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, March 10, 2010
at 9:03 AM 0 comments
You know when do you feel alone? Maybe sometimes you think that you might be better off alone. For me I could be hanging out with the coolest people one day but next I might feel that I'm better off alone. When I'm by my self, I don't feel guilty for that I'm by my self. Do you? Right me a comment on my blog and tell me what you think, and feel when your alone.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by bpena188Tuesday, March 9, 2010
at 6:39 AM 0 comments
1. What were the most interesting parts in this documentary?
A: All the 7th graders taking there time to explain about what will happen and all the people and pictures on all the pierces.
2. Name at least three reasons why people get pierces.
A: one reason would be that people like to do it because there friends do it. Another reason would be that a lot of people like to be punk rock so thats why they get pierces. My last reason is that people like to do it for no reason.
3. Do different pierces say different things about people? For example, does having your ears pierced say something different then having an eyebrow ring?
A: Well what pierces say about people is that whether they have on their eye brow their stomach or even there nose it all means the same thing. It means that the people have pierces for there reason maybe to be punk rock, or maybe to do it because they like the way it looks, or maybe even people want to copy other people to look cool where the reality is that it really doesn't.
4. Is there such a thing as too many pierces?
A: to me yes to other people no because i've seen people who have A LOT of pierces.
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, March 3, 2010
at 10:01 AM 0 commentsQuestions
Posted by bpena188at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Posted by bpena188at 9:50 AM 0 comments
If I knew what was going on I would...........
Posted by bpena188at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Do you ever wonder?
Posted by bpena188Tuesday, March 2, 2010
at 6:39 AM 0 commentsMii coolest cuzin
Posted by bpena188Tuesday, February 23, 2010
at 6:33 AM 0 commentsMy best sister
Posted by bpena188at 6:30 AM 0 comments
my besty
Posted by bpena188at 6:24 AM 0 comments
What problems I and u have going on your life.....
Posted by bpena188Tuesday, February 9, 2010
at 6:32 AM 0 commentsLIFE
Posted by bpena188Tuesday, January 26, 2010
at 6:55 AM 0 commentsA True friend
Posted by bpena188at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Every thing around you
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, January 20, 2010
at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Every day goes by quickly.
New year
Posted by bpena188Wednesday, January 13, 2010
at 9:12 AM 0 commentsWater and the causes of water.
Posted by bpena188at 8:58 AM 0 comments
a) Name one way water sources become contaminated (dirty) in 3rd world countries? Answer: By having pluming and filtering the dirty water, so you don't have dirty water.
b) What are the dangers of water contamination? Answer: You could die or catch bacteria in your body or get very, very, very, sick.
c) Describe (in your own words) an invention that can save people from drinking contaminated water? Answer: A filter to filter your water. That way you won't get sick and die.
d) Why do you think everyone in 3rd world countries do not have these inventions? Answer: Maybe because some countries don't have what we have today. Witch is pluming, filters, and good water to drink and use to cook and to clean.